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During the production and maintenance of oil and gas pipelines, storage tanks, refining equipment, etc., in order to avoid combustion and explosion accidents caused by the contact and mixing of combustible oil and gas with air, it is needed to use nitrogen to replace and purge the fluid in the storage tanks to ensure construction safety. Mobile nitrogen generating vehicles have the advantages of being flexible, convenient, and fast in performing replacement and purging operations.

Technical principles

Nitrogen replacement purging mainly utilizes the characteristics of stable chemical properties, non flammable, and non corrosive nitrogen to effectively isolate combustible oil and gas from the air to ensure safe construction. At the same time, the high-speed flow of nitrogen can effectively remove accumulated liquid, sediment, and other obstructions in the pipeline, achieving the goal of drying and dredging the pipeline.

A) Equipment maintenance: During the maintenance of on-site stations, pipelines, tanks, and other equipment, the fluid in the pipelines and tanks shall be replaced to achieve the purpose of isolation protection and ensure the safe construction of maintenance operations;

B) Equipment commissioning: Before commissioning of stations, pipelines, tanks, and other equipment, nitrogen replacement and purging can be carried out to dry and dredge the pipelines, isolate air, avoiding sparks caused by static electricity. vibration, and other reasons during the injecting process of combustible oil and gas.


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